Like Is Better Around The Campfire Bear Guitar Vintage T-Shirt

You want to count countsbe honest with yourself establish thesame rules together it’s flexible thepurpose is to get that momentum I findthat many people who start out on thisjourney they can’t wait to get way past500 items because once you get thatmomentum letting go gets easier by theday the more you do it the freer andhappier and lighter you feel and themore stuff you want to throw overboardand then as you do that other peoplewill jump on board in our house week wehave a Like Is Better Around The Campfire Bear Guitar Vintage T-Shirt donation box we console have Ellawho wants to donate everything now evenif she doesn’t like her dinner thatevening she’ll try to donate it which iswhich is quite comical but I think we’restarting to establish a habit earlyrealizing that if I let go of some ofthese things you know what other peoplecan find value in it just becausesomething doesn’t add value to my lifedoesn’t mean it won’t add value tosomeone else’s life and so mywillingness to let go is also mywillingness to add value to otherpeople’s lives a few other rules thatmight help you. Then growth andcontribution and focusing on thosethings allows me to live a much moremeaningful life and as a result behappier yes I am much happier at age 35than I was at age 27 but again I don’tthink happiness is the point I thinkliving a more meaningful life is thepoint and happiness is a beautifulbyproduct of that so think now thequestion that just means well how do Iget others on board how do I forceminimal minimalism ones of my spouse mysister my mother my brother my child youdon’t I say how do you force him to playice hockey I’d be a little weirdwouldn’t it if someone was asking methat question I’m like well why wouldyou want to force someone to play an icehockey right well here’s the problemthough or the paradox I should say withminimalism it is much easier if you haveother people in your life on board andso I think some ways to do that are toexpress the benefits to them so whenyou’re asking the question how am I yourlife you’d better with less you alsowant to show themyour life might be better with lessright. Just have a comment about therecent health podcast and I just want tosay that one thing that I have found hasbeen really helpful for me withincreasing my fitness in kind of like aminimalist wayhas been basically making my body avehicle you know I live in an EdmontonAlberta so we have winters and summersand falls and you know I I used to relyon my car a lot just to get meeverywhere whereas now I in the summertime pretty much from April 1 to October31 weather permits and in the winter Itake the bus and that has made a hugedifference for me because I get sometype of physical exercise every singleday and what I love about cycling in thesummer is just the mental health that Igain as well because I see the Sun Riseevery morning and I get to experiencenature and I just even if I’m having areally busy work or family life I don’tfeel like I’m missing out on decisionbecause I’m cycling I’m getting outdoorsevery day and and the best part aboutthat is is for my daughter because sheis a part of that and and she lovesgoing for

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Segment and I agree that oftenduring the Like Is Better Around The Campfire Bear Guitar Vintage T-Shirt holidays drinking is. Some ideason the road and so will we come to yourcityyeah probably make sure you’re on ourmailing list if you want to be keptrest of our new tour dates if and whenthey pop up and then of course we dospeaking gigs from time to time so ifyou have a organization or a aconference or anything that you knowanyone who wants to bring theminimalists out you can find all thedetails to that at the minimalists commslash speaking we’d love to to come outand present some minimalist ideas toyour organization Shaun do have any morequestions what else we gotyes viewers here have tried and failedso how do you maintain minimalism afteryou’ve minimized I got one word for youand I’ll try to expand on that one wordis leverage you need leverage so soprofessional organizers know this reallywell so you mentioned the calamarimethod the life changing magic oftidying up is the book she wrote and andI think quite often the amateurs like meand Ryan we’re total amateurs when itcomes to this stuff we had to findmechanisms to get the leverage. Have some ideas thatRyan and I are throwing around in factnext year in 2017 we want to hit theroadwith six simple ideas in front of somemore some small crowds because we’vewe’ve been fortunate enough to garner alarge large audience and have somefairly large crowds at our events butonce we’re ready with some of theseideas we’re gonna hit the road and bringthem to some small crowds and try towork them out in front of in front of anaudience before we film them or writethem or or or do whatever we’re going todo with these new ideas so that’s that’smy short answer are we going to are wegonna start a we’re gonna do anotherfilm in the future yeah maybe but if Isay yes to that that means I have to sayno to everything else so that I cancreate the best thing possible and sostay tuned if you’re not on our mailinglist already our email list you’ll knowabout any tour dates we do or any newcreations we put out there you can justgo to the minimalists com enter youremail there and we’ll never ever sendyou spam because spam is disgustingSean do
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